Poor dental health, whether it be functionally or aesthetically, can affect you in many ways. Think about the number of people in this country that suffer from obesity, for example, and let’s assume that they are not able to eat real well. What do they do?
Typically they eat food that is easy to swallow and easy to digest, but are not necessarily the healthiest things to eat. In this particular case, those people suffering from poor dental health absolutely affects their inability to consistently eat healthy.
There are a lot of situations, a lot of medical situations that could occur because of infections in your mouth that can affect other parts of your body including your heart. So, your overall health can be affected dramatically from poor oral health. Luckily, today, we don’t see too many individuals who suffer from really poor dental health, but this is why we advise coming in for a thorough dental exam routinely (every 6 months is best).